26741-53-7 | cas database - chemicalbook

26741-53-7 | CAS DataBase - ChemicalBook

640.72. [MOL File] 26741-53-7.mol. Questions And Answer. Back Directory. [Appearance] Ultranox 626 is a white powder or granule. [Application] Antioxidant 626 (ultranox 626) is Approved by the FDA for food contact applications under 21CFRl78.2010 covering antioxidants and/or stabilizers for poly­mers.

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化工产品查询提供CAS号26741-53-7,抗氧化剂THP-24,抗氧剂RC626,双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯,Antioxidant 24,C33H50O6P2物理化学基本性质,分子式,分子结构,密度,熔点,沸点,价格,作用,应用,供应商,危险品标志,别名等信息

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cas no. 26741-53-7 | chemsrc - 化源网

CAS No. 26741-53-7 | Chemsrc - 化源网

Chemsrc provides CAS#:26741-53-7 MSDS, density, melting point, boiling point, structure, formula, molecular weight, synthetic route, etc. CAS Number Search Sign In Join Free VIP ...

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抗氧化剂 thp-24(cas no. 26741-53-7)生产厂家_抗氧化剂 thp-24价格-chemicalbook

抗氧化剂 THP-24(CAS No. 26741-53-7)生产厂家_抗氧化剂 THP-24价格-ChemicalBook

ChemicalBook 为您找到17条抗氧化剂 THP-24生产厂家提供的产品详情,价格,包装,产地,纯度规格等信息,抗氧化剂626适用于:聚烯烃和烯烃共聚物,聚碳酸脂、聚酰胺等工程塑料,橡胶及弹性体,涂料及粘合剂。

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抗氧剂 626_化工百科 - chembk

抗氧剂 626_化工百科 - ChemBK

微信: +86 19849939632. 产品描述: 我司价格有优势,规格齐全,供货稳定,可分装零售 中文名称:抗氧剂626 化学品名:双 (2,4-二叔丁基苯酚)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯 中文别名:抗氧化剂62 更多. 前衍化学科技(武汉)有限公司. 产品名: 抗氧化剂 THP-24 询盘. CAS: 26741-53-7 ...

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antioxidante 24 | 26741-53-7 proveedores - buyersguidechem

Antioxidante 24 | 26741-53-7 proveedores - BuyersGuideChem

CAS 26741-53-7 Proveedores Proveedores y Distribuidores Proveedores registrados de Antioxidante 24 en todo el mundo Se enumeran 12 proveedores internacionales y confiables para Antioxidante 24. Vienen de 3 países alrededor del mundo. Estos ...

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26741-53-7_化工百科 - chembk

26741-53-7_化工百科 - ChemBK

26741-53-7 - 基本信息. 本品外观为白色结晶粉末,熔点为160~175℃,闪点168℃,燃点421℃;易溶于甲苯、氯甲烷、氯仿等有机溶剂,微溶于醇,不溶于水。. 抗氧化剂626为白色至类白色粉末状物质,具有挥发性低,作用效率更高的特点,多与受阻酚类抗氧剂复配 ...

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抗氧化剂 thp-24_用途_熔点_沸点_cas号【26741-53-7】_化源网

抗氧化剂 THP-24_用途_熔点_沸点_CAS号【26741-53-7】_化源网

26741-53-7 文献: Rani, Manju; Shukla, Davender Kumar; Khan, Arif Ali Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 8 p. 4556 - 4558 抗氧化剂 THP-24上下游产品

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cas号:26741-53-7 抗氧化剂thp-24;抗氧剂rc626;双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯 cas no.查询免费提供下载

CAS号:26741-53-7 抗氧化剂THP-24;抗氧剂RC626;双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯 CAS No.查询免费提供下载

CAS号:26741-53-7 抗氧化剂THP-24;抗氧剂RC626;双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯 CAS No.查询免费提供下载 爱化学尽量确保CAS No 26741-53-7数据的准确性,但并不承诺其准确性,因此凡使用以上数据造成不良后果,均与爱化学无关,爱化学也不承担任何责任。

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化工产品查询提供CAS号26741-53-7,抗氧化剂THP-24,抗氧剂RC626,双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯,Antioxidant 24,C33H50O6P2物理化学基本性质,分子式,分子结构,密度,熔点,沸点,价格,作用,应用,供应商,危险品标志,别名等信息

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抗氧化剂 thp-24_用途_熔点_沸点_cas号【26741-53-7】_化源网

抗氧化剂 THP-24_用途_熔点_沸点_CAS号【26741-53-7】_化源网

【抗氧化剂 THP-24】化源网提供抗氧化剂 THP-24CAS号26741-53-7,抗氧化剂 THP-24MSDS及其说明、性质、英文名、生产厂家、作用/用途、分子量、密度、沸点、熔点、结构式等。 CAS号查询抗氧化剂 THP-24上化源网,专业又轻松。

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26741-53-7 | cas database - chemicalbook

26741-53-7 | CAS DataBase - ChemicalBook

Identification More [Name] Antioxidant 24 [CAS] 26741-53-7 [Synonyms] 3,9-bis (2,4-bis (1,1-dimethylethyl)phenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro (5.5)undecane ADK Stab PEP 24 antioxidant 24 Bis (2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) pentaerythritol diphosphite mark pep 24 Ultranox 626

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cas 26741-53-7 | sigma-aldrich - milliporesigma

CAS 26741-53-7 | Sigma-Aldrich - MilliporeSigma

Find 26741-53-7 and related products for scientific research at MilliporeSigma Aldrich® Market Select, your comprehensive solution for the identification and procurement of readily available screening compounds and building blocks.,

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3,9-bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane | 26741-53-7 - milliporesigma

3,9-Bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane | 26741-53-7 - MilliporeSigma

3,9-Bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane; CAS Number: 26741-53-7; Linear Formula: C33H50O6P2; find BLD Pharmatech Ltd.-BL3H1F1C9F01 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar

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registration dossier - echa

Registration Dossier - ECHA

Registration Dossier - ECHA. 2. Limited use of the ECHA website. 3. Information published on the ECHA website. The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). Pursuant to Article 59 (10) of the REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Regulation), ECHA is required to publish and update the Candidate List of SVHC on the ECHA website.

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safety data sheet


CAS No 26741-53-7 Molecular Weight 604.69 Formula C33H50O6P2 Chemical nameCAS No.Weight-% Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalation LC50 Antioxidant 2426741-53-7>98 = 5580 mg/kg ( Rat )> 2 g/kg ( Rabbit ) > 200 ...

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3,9-bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane 26741-53-7 | 東京化成工業株式会社 - tci america

3,9-Bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane 26741-53-7 | 東京化成工業株式会社 - TCI AMERICA

CAS RN 26741-53-7 Reaxys Registry Number 4773772 PubChem Substance ID 354335130 MDL 番号 MFCD00071521 規格値・物性値 規格表 外観 白色~ほとんど白色粉末~結晶 純度(GC) 95.0 %以上 融点 175.0 ~179.0 C 物性値(参考値) 融点 177 C ...

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cas号:26741-53-7 抗氧化剂thp-24;抗氧剂rc626;双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯 cas no.查询免费提供下载

CAS号:26741-53-7 抗氧化剂THP-24;抗氧剂RC626;双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯 CAS No.查询免费提供下载

中文名: 抗氧化剂THP-24; 抗氧剂RC626; 双(2,4-二叔丁基苯基)季戊四醇二亚磷酸酯 英文名:Antioxidant 24 别名: Bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) pentaerythritol diphosphite; 3,9-Bis(2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro(5.5)undecane; ADK Stab PEP 24; Mark PEP 24; Ultranox 626 分子结构: 分子式:C33H50O6P2 分子量:604.69 CAS登录号:26741-53-7 EINECS登录号:247-952-5 物理化学性质

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[ cas no. 26741-53-7 ] - ambeed

[ CAS No. 26741-53-7 ] - Ambeed

Application In Synthesis of [ 26741-53-7 ] * All experimental methods are cited from the reference, please refer to the original source for details.We do not guarantee the accuracy of the content in the reference. Upstream synthesis route of [ 26741-53-7 ]

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